46ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique 2021: Modeling physical interactions in human crowds: a pilot study of individual response to controlled external pushes.
Thomas Chatagnon, Anne-Hélène Olivier, Ludovic Hoyet, Julien Pettré, Charles Pontonnier.
Computers & Graphics Journal 2021: SPH crowds: Agent-based crowd simulation up to extreme densities using fluid dynamics
Wouter van Toll, Thomas Chatagnon, Cédric Braga, Barbara Solenthaler, Julien Pettré
CVPR 2021: Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd
Ramana Sundararaman, Cedric De Almeida Braga, Eric Marchand, Julien Pettre
Deliverable 5.1: Website and project logo
After the first two months of the project, the first project report is ready!