We are an European partnership
Seven partners from the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain collaborate to CrowdDNA Project. The consortium is composed of 2 SME (Crowd Dynamics and ONHYS), 5 academic institutions (INRIA, UL, URJC, ULM and FZJ). The CrowdDNA partners have individual and complementary roles to meet the project's objectives.

Our partners

Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
The Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (Inria) is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. The Rainbow team, involved in CrowdDNA, is a joint Inria/IRISA Project-Team in partnership with CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, and Insa of Rennes. The long-term vision of this team is to develop the next generation of sensor-based robots able to navigate and/or interact in complex unstructured environments together with human users.
Inria is coordinator of the project, WP6 (management) and WP7 (ethics requirements) leader. Inria will also contribute to all the other WPs.

Project Coordinator, Inria Senior Researcher
Team members
Assistant professor - Anne-Hélène OLIVIER
Assistant professor - Ludovic HOYET
Junior researcher - Heidi VAN HERBRUGGEN
European officer - Solenne FORTUN
Project manager - Caroline SURQUAIN
Contract & partnerships lawyer - Catherine LEBEAU
Financial officer - Alexis JENSEN
PhD Student - Thomas CHATAGNON
PhD Student

University of Leeds
The University of Leeds (UNIVLEEDS) is acclaimed world-wide for the quality of its teaching and research, and is ranked 93rd in the QS World University Rankings 2019.
In addition to other managerial and dissemination responsibilities, the Leeds team led by Dr Wang will be mainly responsible for the research tasks of data acquisition (WP1), statistical modelling of mid and high level crowd dynamics (WP2), coupling between the low-level behaviors and high-level patterns and (WP3) and automating crowd management (WP4). This research will heavily capitalize on Leeds team’s expertise on Computer Graphics, Vision and Machine Learning, as well as the infrastructure available.

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor, Director of High-Performance Graphics and Game Engineering, Academic Lead in AI & Visualization of Center for Immersive Technologies
Team members
Director of research and innovation development - Cigdem TASCI TOCHNITI
European Research Development Officer - Keri DUNNING
Senior EU Post Award Research Administrator - Jiangbei YUE
PhD Student

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Principal Investigator, Asssistant professor
Team members
- Miguel À. OTADUY
Associate professor - Marc COMINO
Postdoctoral researcher - Melania PRIETO MARTIN
PhD Student - Gonzalo GOMEZ
PhD Student - Jessica ILLERA
Local project manager - Matilde LÀZARO GARCÍA
Rector’s secretary - Rosamaria MESA
Head of the European Project Office

Universität ULM
Ulm University (ULM) was founded in 1967 with an explicit research assignment and a mission to provide high-quality research-oriented teaching. The Applied Cognitive Psychology Group, headed by Prof. Dr. Marc Ernst, is associated to the faculty of Computer Science, Engineering, and Psychology at Ulm University and builds the bridge between the basic sciences on human cognition and their applications in computer science and engineering. The research focus of the Applied Cognitive Psychology Group is on human multisensory perception and the control of action, sensorimortor integration, perceptual learning, and human-machine interaction.
In the project, ULM leads one task of WP1 (datasets) and will also contribute to WP2 (modeling and simulating high-density crowds).

Principal Investigator, Head of Applied Cognitive Psychology
Team members
- Charlotte ROY
Postdoctoral researcher

Forschungszentrum Jülich GMBH
The Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), founded in 1956, is member of the Helmholtz Association. With its 6,446 employees in total, the FZJ is one of the largest research centers in Europe. The scientists working in CrowdDNA belong to the “Institute for Advanced Simulation – Civil Safety Research” (IAS-7) which focuses on pedestrian dynamics and fire dynamics with an interdisciplinary approach.
In the project, the FZJ leads WP1 (datasets) and is especially responsible for the realization of large-scale experiments. The FZJ also contributes to WP2 (modeling and simulating high density crowds).

Principal Investigator, Postdoctoral researcher
Team members
Director - Aileen DE GUIA
Contract management - Volker MARX
International project funding - Jutta STIER
External funding management

Crowd Dynamics International limited
Crowd Dynamics International Ltd is a high-tech SME with a widespread client base and global reputation. This reputation has been built on research, modelling systems and simulations, and expert consultancy for crowd management. CDI consultants have put in place effective crowd management, crowd modelling and communication systems in the UK and worldwide, working alongside other specialist consultants and research teams to deliver practical solutions. The company is involved in 5 big research projects focused on crowd management.
In the project, CDI leads WP5 (dissemination, exploitation and communication) and two tasks of the WP1 (datasets) and WP4 (crowd management technologies). CDI will also contribute to all the other WPs.

Principal Investigator, Director
Team members
- Alexandre ELMS
Lead developer - Goc O'CALLAGHAN
Experience Analyst - Nicholas HEIJBROEK
Research Consultant - Christopher OAKLEY
Technical Director

University College London
University College London (UCL) is acclaimed worldwide for the quality of its teaching and research, and has been consistently ranked in the top 10 universities in the world (8th in the QS World University Rankings 2023). It was also ranked the 2nd in the United Kingdom for its research power in the Research Excellence Framework 2021. There have been 30 Nobel Prize laureates amongst UCL’s alumni and current and former staff to date. UCL was the first university in England to welcome students of any religion, and to welcome women to university education.
In addition to the managerial and dissemination responsibilities, the UCL team led by Dr Wang will be mainly responsible for the research in automating crowd management (WP4), with heavy involvement in statistical modelling of mid and high level crowd dynamics (WP2), and coupling between the low-level behaviors and high-level patterns and (WP3).

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor,
Team members
- Jialin ZHU
Post-doctoral Research Associate - Feixiang HE
Post-doctoral Research Associate - Steve SMITH
Research Finance Manager -
Ying Ying CHEUNG
European Research Manager

ONHYS (Bankruptcy on 8 November 2023)
ONHYS was a French company, incorporated in 2015 and headquartered in Sophia Antipolis, France. ONHYS specialises in pedestrian behavioural simulation. The company provides off-the-shelf software applications, as well as tailormade consulting services. ONHYS has developed a unique piece of software named ONHYS ONE that simulates the flow of individuals in any urban environment.

Principal Investigator, R&D project lead
Team members
- Sébastien PARIS
Administrative and Financial Manager - Camille SCHOMMERS
Communication Manager