
Peer-reviewed publications
Pattern Recognition 2024: Understanding the Vulnerability of Skeleton-based Human Activity Recognition via Black-box Attack
Yunfeng Diao, He Wang, Tianjia Shao, Yongliang Yang, Kun Zhou, David Hogg, Meng Wang

Peer-reviewed publications
ACM 2024: Resolving Collisions in Dense 3D Crowd Animations
Gonzalo Gomez-Nogales, Melania Prieto-Martin, Cristian Romero, Marc Comino-Trinidad, Pablo Ramón, Anne-Hélène Olivier, Ludovic Hoyet, Miguel A. Otaduy, Julien Pettre and Dan Casas

Peer-reviewed publications
PED 2023: Standing Balance Recovery Strategies of Young Adults in a Densely Populated Environment Following External Perturbations
T. Chatagnon, S. Feldmann, J. Adrian, A.-H. Olivier, C. Pontonnier, L. Hoyet and J. Pettre

Peer-reviewed publications
PED 2023: Temporal segmentation of motion propagation in response to an external impulse
S. Feldmann, T. Chatagnon, J. Adrian, J. Pettre and A. Seyfried

Peer-reviewed publications
Collective Dynamics 2024: Propagation of controlled frontward impulses through standing crowds
S. Feldmann, J. Adrian and M. Boltes

Peer-reviewed publications
CVPR 2024: Human Motion Prediction under Unexpected Perturbation
Jiangbei Yue, Baiyi Li, Julien Pettre, Armin Seyfried, He Wang

Peer-reviewed publications
Collective Dynamics 2024: A Rumor has Spread like Wildfire? – Empirical Investigation of Information Propagation in Waiting Crowds
Helena Lügering, Anna Sieben

Peer-reviewed publications
Frontiers in Social Psychology 2023: Psychological Pushing Propagation in Crowds -Does the Observation of Pushing Behavior Promote Further Intentional Pushing?
H. Lügering, A.F. Alia and A. Sieben

Peer-reviewed publications
BMVC 2023: SMPLitex: A Generative Model and Dataset for 3D Human Texture Estimation from Single Image
Dan Casas and Marc Comino-Trinidad