D4.2: Crowd management solutions

Executive Summary

The overall objective of WP4 is to explore usage of the main technologies developed along the project CrowdDNA for crowd analysis, and based on which to develop management techniques that explore the best usage of this information”. This deliverable, D4.2, describes the development of modelling techniques and their uses for new crowd management solutions.

In previous WPs (WP1-3), data and models have been developed to analyse individual and crowd motions as a whole in both moderate and high density. In WP2, the individual motion analysis includes modelling intensive physical interactions in high-density crowds, on people’s reactive motions under unexpected physical disturbances, such as pushes, and how these reactive motions can propagate through crowds. This kind of propagation, albeit starting from individuals, can lead to amplified turbulence-like motions in high-density crowds and ultimately crushes. In WP3, video-based tools have also been developed to analyse and predict how a small crowd as a whole and how individuals in it will move together with others. These tools combined provide the ability for online and offline simulation and prediction to make a trigger for the authority to decide whether urgent intervention needs to be conducted, e.g. overly crowded, or potential crushes, etc.

While tools in WP2-3 provide good low-level prediction (e.g. a small area), D4.2 focuses on testing and potential generation of high-level crowd management strategies. It aims to progress techniques that can be used as tools for the authority to monitor, predict and test their management strategies in a big space with real-world settings.